Rural communities and rural schools often face significant challenges due to limited access to essential resources, including funding, mental health services, and attendance programming. These barriers can hinder students' academic success and overall well-being, making it crucial for educators and administrators in these areas to seek effective solutions. This page aims to empower rural schools by providing valuable resources to assess and enhance their attendance programming and mental health services. By leveraging evidence-based interventions and current research, these schools can create a more supportive environment that fosters school connectedness and engagement, ultimately benefiting their students and the community as a whole.

This is why Rural Schools Collaborative exists.

  1. Schools are decontextualized​. ​While schools are often central to rural communities, the core learning approach in schools is disconnected from the present and future condition of the community. We support scho​ols to link learning to place in order to change the future of the community.

  2. Rural teacher numbers are declining. ​It is getting harder to find quality teachers in rural spaces. We advocate for an abundance of high quality teaching in rural spaces.

  3. Funding levels are challenging. ​Rural schools are underfunded in high-poverty areas. We build resources and connections to support rural school community, regional philanthropy to fund innovative educational projects in schools.

  4. Teachers are professionally isolated. ​Rural schools and organizations are disconnected from each other. We connect rural schools and organizations around the nation.

The mission of Rural Minds is to serve as the informed voice for mental health in rural America and to provide mental health information and resources. Our vision is to end the suffering, silence and stigma around mental illness in rural America.

Rural Minds offers a free webinar series.

Your First STOP for Rural Health INFORMATION

If you're looking for information, opportunities, and resources on rural health, you've come to the right place.

The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. We are committed to supporting healthcare and population health in rural communities.

The RHIhub is your guide to improving health for rural residents—we provide access to current and reliable resources and tools to help you learn about rural health needs and work to address them.

The National Association for Rural Mental Health seeks to promote the linkage of the diverse voices of rural mental health, through its activities as a membership organization. As a national organization, NARMH provides a forum for rural mental health professionals, advocates, and consumers to identify issues and problems, share innovative solutions and model programs, and speak with a shared voice on issues of rural mental health concern.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation.

SAMHSA - Rural Behavioral Health

Advancing health equity involves ensuring that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This also applies to behavioral health. In conjunction with quality services, this involves addressing social determinants, such as employment and housing stability, insurance status, proximity to services, culturally responsive care – all of which have an impact on behavioral health outcomes.

SAMHSA offers grants for Youth Treatment Programs and Prevention Grants